Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Amanda is....


That's what I think, anyway. I know, amazing is a very "Amanda" cliche. But seriously, how many other "A" words are there that work like that? I have had a very busy week, but I am really enjoying myself lately. Today Jason and I went and got our business license. It's really exciting. And weird. I mean, seriously, it is strange to be a business owner. We are working our little tooshies off trying to get this business off the ground, but it is just so complicated!! Oh well, I am sure we will figure it out. And since Jason is still working his other job (that he was SUPPOSED to be laid off from), I figure we have a little more time. Which is always nice.

In other news, Jason got his calling upgraded. He is now the 1st counselor in the YM presidency and the Teacher's quorum advisor. We are both still just loving our callings, and this ward. It's nice to find a good fit. Also, I have been dying to go swimming in my new swimsuit (that I paid way too much money for and refuse to feel guilty about.) I was going to take pictures of me in it, but I figure the stock photo will look much better, so you get that instead. It's cuter with the skirt part pulled a little farther down, but you get the idea. Mine is black. I love Love LOVE it, which is why I refuse to feel guilty about it. Besides, I can buy myself a birthday present, right?


I am a mother! said...

That's exciting about the business license!! You are amazing!

Katie said...

Psh, yeah! You work it girl. I love love love it too. You have inspired me to go buy a new one. The one I was going to use is a couple years old, and bound to sang a hole the first time I'm out in public. Thank you for saving me from the humiliation.

Me said...

haha you totally deserve a swim suit! and that one's cute. what sort of a business are you and jason starting?