Monday, September 7, 2009

Bob Loblaw's law blog lobs law bomb?

So... You know how sometimes you have something that you want to blog about, because it is on your mind all the time, but then you don't have time to do it? And then all of a sudden it's been over a week, and you realize that you don't really care about documenting that particular thing anymore? Consider it done. But since I don't want nasty comments about how dare I keep you all in suspense, I will give it a much shortened time slot.

About two weeks ago, our bathtub faucet started leaking. I mean really leaking. It was driving me nuts! You could hear it all over the house (even with the TV on) AND it was hot water, so it was like living in a sauna. Ugh. I seriously thought I was losing my sanity. (As a side note that I find somewhat humorous, I took a video of it to show you all how annoying it was, and turned my camera sideways so it would fill the screen better. I guess I forgot that you can't rotate a video!) Anyway, our landlord came to fix it the next day (Thank Heavens!) but had to cut a hole in the wall and it turned into this massive two week project. Mainly because he would come over for a few minutes every day, but still! It was annoying. Now it is fixed, but way too difficult to turn the water on or off. Joy.

Anyway... I spent yesterday doing lots of cooking, and remembered how much I love it! I am ashamed to admit that I have not been doing much (okay, really any) cooking since I got preggers, since I am just tired and unmotivated. I have been living off of cereal, produce, and peanut butter. Jason had been bugging me to try my hand at making panna cotta, which is a delicious dessert that's a cross between jello and creme brulee. So I decided to do me some cooking. I made panna cotta (which was surprisingly easy) as well as bread, since I had been craving some ollies. Those who don't know what ollies are- shame on you! They are like homemade lean pockets, but eight million times better. Hard to describe. The panna cotta was good, but a little too gelatinous for me, so I will be tweaking it before I post it on the Sautee blog.
But the bread!! Mmmmm, I had forgotten how delicious it feels to have your hands in warm bread dough and feel the flour in it. It's the best kind of therapy, and it tastes delicious too! I have decided I need to mend my errant ways and show my kitchen love again. If I start now, I may just have enough energy to do some meals before I have the baby, right? Haha!

On another side note, I finished reading Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins, and all I can say is "Ahhhh!!! When is the next book coming out?!??@??!?" It's an awesome book, and I don't think I will be able to bear the suspense! What's going to happen! AHHHH!!

PS- Bonus Points to those who get my blog title allusion!


Jason said...

bonus points for me!! love AD!!
~Heather posing as Jason because she's too lazy to sign in as herself

Emily said...

Yeah, we just finished the last episode last night. I had watched the first episode a while back, but for some reason I didn't find it all that funny. Dallas and I decided to watch all of the episodes, and I am so sad to be done. Mmmm, I want some bread.....