Thursday, May 13, 2010

Pictures of the cutest boy ever!

Finn is getting huge! We still haven't weighed him. He is now over his cold, which is a relief to me. He is getting super fun! He loves to be tossed in the air, and he laughs at all sorts of weird things. Finn is interesting because he doesn't like to REALLY laugh. If you tickle him, he just grunts and holds his breath, but if you do something weird he will laugh, but in a more mild manner. I think he is a bit of a control freak.

I don't have much else to say, so I will let the pictures talk for me. Enjoy!
Thumbsucking. I can't get him to quit. I admit, I have given up for now.

He makes the FUNNIEST faces ever!

He likes to chew on his fingers, too. No teething yet.

For scale. And I haven't lost any weight. So he is getting pretty darn big!

He is such a ladies man! He has a smile for all the girls. I think he will be a heartbreaker.

I know this one is fuzzy, but it's such a big grin! It's harder to get those on camera than I thought it would be.

More faces. He was talking and getting excited here. I think he will take after me as far as facial expressions go.

Just so gosh darn cute!

1 comment:

Laura said...

Darling! Thanks for sharing!