Monday, November 2, 2009

The greatest pictures! (If we are talking mass..)

Here are the latest belly pictures! Taken just today! And I am over the swine flu, so I look pretty decent in them. I want to point out my lack of make-up, and that I am still looking smokin' hot. I am 32.5 weeks, and I have tops, 6.5 weeks to go. The doctor said she will induce me a week early if I need it, thank goodness! It's coming on so quickly! I had an appointment today, and the baby is head down. I was pretty worried about that, as the little sucker does cartwheels all the time. I was worried it would eventually run out of room and be stuck in some weird position that would require a C-Section. Luckily, it looks like I am all lined up for the normal kind! Phew!
Also, I have been walking around the neighborhood for exercise, and have been given quite the surprise! Every time I walk for more than, say, five minutes, I have contractions. Not the real kind, just Braxton Hicks. I figure this means two things- One) I will probably be able to jump start my labor pretty quickly by going for walks and Two) I need to find a new kind of exercise. It's not too bad, kind of like walking when you have a stitch in your side, but it's not very comfortable either. I asked the doctor today what other kinds of exercise I can try, and she was like "Walking is very mild..." Jason laughed really hard. I mean, I know walking is not intense exercise, but I was just hoping. However, it looks like I am stuck with it. But I guess if I go into labor early (but not in the next 3.5 weeks) that is just dandy with me!


I am a mother! said...

How can you be so cute while being preggo and with no makeup to boot?! Lucky you!

=0)jessica said...

you look great pregnant, i looked like i had flu the whole time... excited to meet my nephew (or niece!) soon!!

hugs to jas,