Wednesday, January 13, 2010

More Finley, Because I KNOW you all want pictures!

Finley got weighed today and he is now a honking 7lbs 15oz. Last time he was weighed, about 3.5 weeks ago, he was 5lbs 13oz, so he has grown a ton! He is finally out of the newborn clothes and into 0-3mo. He still hasn't smiled, so we are waiting for that! He is 6 weeks old today, and I can't believe he is already so old! We sure love him!
This is his startled face.

This is his full face!

This one I think is cute because his mouth is all crooked!

This is Finn in his first 0-3mo outfit. I love the face and the hands!

This is Finn asleep, about 15 minutes later. Jazz hands! (And they were not resting on the swing!)

This is Jason sleeping with Finn. I get to see this just about every morning. So cute, huh?

And here is Finn's latest bath (Monday). He looks so much fatter, huh? Just look at that round belly! Here's a comparison photo-


I am a mother! said...

Cute pics Amanda! Gotta have the naked bathtub pics.

PS- How about next week after pay day we go to the mall? I just may buy a pair of jeans that are apparently magical and highly endorsed by Oprah.

Me said...

he's sooo cute! i had a dream with finn in it the other night, and when i woke up i was a little sad because i've never gotten to see him or hold him for real. thank you for putting up the pictures, my mom and i love looking at them, he just keeps getting cuter!

Emily said...

awww, how did i miss this post last time I had the internet? So cute. he looks so different and so cute! Being a great aunt might not be so bad after all.