Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Is You Is or Is You Ain't My Baby?

Well, my mother complained about my last post, so here is another one chock full of Finn. He is now 8 weeks old, and he weighs 8lbs 12oz, which is in the 4th percentile. He is still tiny, but he looks huge to me! (As a sidenote, in the middle of this post, Finley spit up a whole ton. I mean A TON! And silly me, I tried to catch it in a burpcloth (I was burping him at the time...) and it ended up all over his face. In his eyes, up his nose, in his ears... AND it still overflowed all over me, my feet, and the carpet. Joy.)

Finn started to lose his hair a few weeks ago. For a while it looked hilarious because he was losing it in the stereotypical male balding pattern in the front, but he had a patch of hair underneath that! I tried to take some photos, but you couldn't see the patch. It was so funny, though!

He has become much more alert, and is awake for longer periods of time, which is SO much fun! He has always been a great nighttime sleeper, and for the past two weeks, he has consistently gone to bed at 11pm or so, woken up at 5:30 or 6am to be fed, and then not waking up again until after 10am. I know. I am SOOO lucky. I do love my sleep! He is getting some awesome head control, and he has started smiling. As soon as I can catch it on film, you can bet you will get a picture! Okay, I do have a picture of him smiling above, but he was sleeping, so it doesn't count.

Jason's sister, Jessica, was here for the week, and I will post some pictures of that shortly. In the meantime, enjoy staring at my baby. I know I enjoy it!

I know this one is a little fuzzy, but he is always doing stuff like this. Plus it's a cute double chin shot.

He was looking out the window. He sure loves to be able to see! Cute profile! Can you tell he's starting to lose his hair?

Here is another one of Finn looking out the window. Ah, the wonder!

Drunken baby! So awesome!

Here is his cute little mouth and nose. I thought you all might want a close up!

Here is his eye and nose. You can kindof see the color, but not really.

I love this shot of his eyes. So adorable!

Fast asleep...

Here is a favorite of mine! He looks so delicious, huh? And check out those cheeks! He does look rather porcine, I think.

I think all the picture taking was getting old. Oh well.

We sure love our little guy!


Carrie said...

I absolutely adore the one of him sleeping with a smile on his face. Too cute! I just want to pinch those adorable cheeks.

Laura said...

I love the photos and update on Finn, but don't ever apologize for filling us in on just you -- we still love you for you! In fact I meant to comment last time that you should check out the free printables at I bought one of the planners but it was a little bulky for now. But I love the lists and such they have (for free!) on the site. Finn is so adorable and you sound like you're doing really well.

I am a mother! said...

Grace totally did the male pattern baldness thing too! Funny!