Wednesday, February 3, 2010

12% Brain Loss

So, you know how pregnant women lose 12% of their brain? Mine must have been important because I have been having some major issues. For Example:

I have been looking for my keys for 4.5 hours straight. I have looked everywhere, even under the fridge. How can they not be in any of the usual places? I did get some cleaning done while I searched, which is always a plus. I even called up my brother Preston to see if maybe I left my keys in his car. I didn't. Anyway, I just found them, underneath a game and on top of a book. How the heck did they get there? Especially since I haven't played that game in at least 4 months. Yikes! But hey, at least they are here.

Another example from a few months back:

When Jason and I go out to eat, I always figure out the tip and fill out the little form. So, I was calculating the tip. Here is my logic:
Take 10%.
Half it.
Half it again. That is the tip.
I should have added the half to the 10%, but I somehow didn't know how to do that, even though I have been figuring out tips for at least 8 years. I didn't even realize my mistake until the next day. Poor waiter! Jason always checks my math now, and we have had a few more close calls. I guess I will just get dumber and dumber!


=0)jessica said...

it's not a pregnant thing, it's a parent thing. from having 283 different things going on in your head whilst & at the same time, your child is screaming...


Laura said...

Mine was all the names and connections I had with people. I can't hardly remember a soul, and it's embarrassing when they know you and you don't know them. I put up a hook for my keys (I've always lost them so I can't blame the kids). It really helped. Good luck!

Carrie said...

Wow! This explains so much in my case. :)