Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Will it ever stop? I don't know!

Props to those who get the title reference!

But, yes. It is more of my cutie pie! I don't ever get tired of staring at him, so I assume you don't either. But, if you do, you don't have to read it, you know!

I have recently discovered that the reason Finn has been so grumpy lately is that he was not getting any sleep in during the daylight hours! Well, he was, but it was like 10 minutes here, 5 minutes there. I was having to hold him ALL the time and he would just scream and scream, and needless to say, I was at my wits end. And then, all of a sudden I think- hey! He's probably tired! So I have been putting him down for naps. It is so great! He is in a much better mood, and I have some time to get things done or just enjoy being by myself. Although I do feel like a bit of a dunce for not having thought of this earlier. Oh well. :)

This is the tail end of a smile. I ALMOST caught it. One of these days I will be quick enough on the draw...

This, I think, is a great representation of how Finley usually looks. You know how some pictures just look more like the people in them than others? Yeah. Also, is it just me, or is it starting to look like I may have a bit of redhead action going on here?

I think he inherited his mom's "Igor Eye" problem. See how one of my eyes is more open than the other? This is a common problem in my pictures. Luckily, in his case, the distortion is because of my cheek. (I hope!)

He's growing up so fast! He hardly seems like a baby anymore! Well, I guess he does seem like a baby, just like an old baby, and not a snuggly newborn.


I am a mother! said...

I totally see the red! Good luck with that!;-)

Laura said...

He's so cute and I do think he's looking older!

Carrie said...

Nope, it never stops. They just get cuter and cuter with each new stage. Of course, each stage brings trials with it, but the journey is a lot of fun and you will find yourself with a gazillion pictures marking each new step.

And, from a completely unbiased person, Finn is extremely cute!