Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Embarrassing Story Number 3

I just remembered this embarrassing story, and had to share. We all have to laugh more often. Ahem.

I was about eleven years old, and just starting to become that lovely self-conscious being that takes over until you turn about 20. Or maybe older. (Or maybe just until you get married. I mean, they are stuck with you anyway, right?) My dad had recently decided that he was going to set up a photo booth- you know the type. Sit in it and print out your photo? Yup, that's the one! He was going to call it "Phun Photo" and it was going to have various templates for you to position your face in.

We were just outside the front door, and I sneezed. I had a HUGE booger hanging out of my nose. I mean, literally, inches long. It was disgusting. I had my hand over it, of course, and was begging that we go back inside so I can get a kleenex. Dad makes me let him see, which was embarrassing enough, but then he declares it to be perfect for the photo booth and runs inside to get his camera. I was so mortified! Here I was, with a huge booger hanging out of my nose, and I had to wait for my dad to get the camera so he could take a picture of it so that immature teenage boys could have MY booger hanging out of THEIR nose in a fake photo. I was crying. It was awful.

By the way, whatever happened to that picture? And, I just have to add that my dad refused to take photos of me when I was a baby because I lost my hair in a funny way, and he didn't want to embarrass me. Which one is more embarrassing, hmmmm?

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