Since I thought I might be having the baby soon, I thought I should go pick up the last few things that I needed for the baby. Heather came with me, and we got everything I needed. I was having mild contractions during the shopping, but towards the end they started to get really bad. I was standing in line at the checkout, and all of a sudden I thought I was going to pass out from the pain! I mean, literally pass out. My vision started to get all black, and I had to sit down on the floor immediately. Jack (Heather's 2.5 year old) was very confused and kept trying to talk to me. I felt bad for not answering him, but I guess he's probably over it!
So anyway, I decide that this is the real deal, and I call Jason to pick me up. I had driven to the store, but didn't feel like I could drive at all. Jason was on his way to doing some hunting, and I felt bad that I had to call him. He stopped by the house to grab the hospital bag (which I had only packed the night before) and it took him probably 20 minutes to get to me. In the meantime, my contractions are getting pretty brutal. I couldn't stand up straight, and I was all moany, even though I was trying really hard not to be, since Heather and Jack were waiting with me. Heather gave me a bottle of water, which really helped a ton, and I chugged it down. It felt like an ETERNITY until Jason got there!
Finally, Jason arrives, and we get into the car. I am in so much pain, I am getting nauseated. I mention it, and Jason pulls out a bag, just in case. I didn't think I would really throw up, but I DID! Twice. And because I had had so much water, it spewed everywhere, all down my shirt and my pants. I was very upset, and just kept thinking- "I can't believe I am going to have to go into the hospital with puke all over myself! How nasty!" My contractions kept getting worse and worse, and I was starting to think that we might be having a baby in the car! I mean, puking is a sign of late labor!
We get to the hospital (after a few bad choices as far as what road to take), but we haven't had a tour or anything, and we don't know where to go. So, we decide to go in the main entrance, and they can tell us where to go. Jason pushed me in a wheelchair to the Labor and Delivery unit, which felt like about 2 miles. Later I found out it is less than one minute's walk, but you know how that goes.
I get to the right section, and they immediately take me into a room and check me, because it looks like the baby may be right on its way! Now, remember, at my doctor's appointment on the previous day I was a 5 and 90% effaced. They check me and..... I am a 5. And 75% effaced. WHAT?!?!?!? HOW CAN I HAVE GONE THROUGH THIS AND NOT CHANGED AT ALL!! At this point, I am saying to everyone- "I want an epidural! I can't do this!!" But they can't give one until I am admitted, and they are trying to get ahold of the midwife. So I lay down on the bed, and am still feeling just awful. I flip on my side, and start to feel a little bit better. Five minutes later, I am having no contractions. None. At all. However, the midwife says that she is going to give me an hour to see if I change, since she doesn't really want to send me home at a 5. So I sit in the hospital bed for two hours. Not one single contraction. Not even a tiny one. I am sure they are going to send me home, and I am SOOOO frustrated! WHAT THE HECK! I was in such bad labor pains, and now I just have to go home?? Grrr! They come back in to check me, though, and I have dilated to a 6. Everyone is so confused! How did I dilate without having a single contraction? It's just weird. The midwife doesn't know what to do with me. She thinks maybe they should send me home, but the nurses don't agree. They decide to hang onto me for a little while longer, and they are going to let me walk for an hour to see if I start having more contractions. So we start walking around the hospital, which was really boring. I start to get some contractions, but they are SUPER mild, and as soon as I lay down again they go away.
So we do the walking thing for about three hours. Eventually, they find out I am at a 7. I am baffling everyone! I am feeling pretty much nothing- I mean cramps are WAY worse than my contractions, and I am happy and smiling! They can't believe it, because other women at a 7 are usually screaming their guts out. I am stuck at a 7 for about 4 hours. Still no major contractions.
They decide to admit me, because in all likelihood I will go really fast when my labor kicks in. I am jumping off the ceiling with joy, because I just KNOW that if they break my water I am going to go in about a half hour! YES! I am not getting sent home! So they send me walking again while we wait for the midwife to come and break my water. She comes, and they break my water, and I go walking again, and I just cannot wait to get that baby out!
THREE HOURS LATER I am STILL at a 7!! I can't believe it! Breaking my water was supposed to make everything happen! Not fair! At this point I am thinking that I have NO good labor genes at all! I thought I was going to have a quick labor, but it has now been like 10 hours, and nothing is happening. I have been stuck at a 7 for about 8 hours, and it just sucks. So they decide to put me on Pitocin. Which means no more walking. And my contractions are still stopping everytime I lay down. But I am hoping that the Pitocin will work to get them started.
But the Pitocin is NOT WORKING! Grrr!! I am so frustrated! They keep upping my dose until I am at the highest level. Then I start having regular contractions, but they are SOOO mild! Here is a reference point- they want your contractions to be over 120 mvus, and mine were in the 40s, and only about every 5 minutes. However, they think that maybe the contraction monitor may just not be picking them up like it should, so they decide to do an inter-uterine monitor to measure them more accurately. It goes up past the baby's head. So the nurse is trying to insert it, and she CANNOT get it in! Let me tell you- it hurt SOOO bad! I was crying and being a total wimp. She feels around and realizes that when they broke my water, the baby's head came down and plugged it back up, and the head is stuck behind the membrane. So they have to come and break my water again, and then they will try to insert the monitor again.
Now, all that messing around and digging and pain made me start having NASTY contractions again. I threw up another three times. It was awful! But I was thinking- Hey, at least I will be dilating again, right?
WRONG! They check me after about an hour, and I am only a 7.5. So I decide to get an epidural. I mean, I had been in the hospital for a long time, I was tired, I was in a ton of pain, and I wasn't dilating! If I had been a nine, I would have just done it naturally, but there was no way I was going to be in this much pain for the next 10 hours!
The epidural was WAY better than I expected, and it was really funny to have numb legs! I thought that my right leg was propped up with the knee bent, and I kept making Jason come over and check that it was still laying down like it was supposed to be.
A few hours later, I was complete, but my epidural was wearing off. I was okay with that, though, because it meant that I could feel when to push, which would make the whole process more effective.
So I start pushing at about 8:50 in the morning on Wednesday. That is 18 hours after I arrived at the hospital. My epidural is really wearing off though, and I consider getting a boost. But the nurse said it would make me go longer, so I decided to just go for it. She told me that most first time moms push for about 2 hours. After an hour of pushing, they decide to call the midwife to come in, but I can't push anymore until she gets there. She was at the other hospital. That was SOOOO hard! It hurts way worse to not push than it does to push, although pushing was way more work than I expected.
The midwife gets there, and about 10 minutes later, out pops a baby! She was just about to tell me to stop pushing, but he just POPPED out. I literally heard a pop! He was posterior (which means his face was facing up at the ceiling instead of at the floor) which is really hard to deliver. They were all really impressed that I got him out in just an hour and a half, because it's not uncommon for moms to push for more than six hours with a posterior baby.
I was just so glad to have him, and so relieved that labor was over! It took SOOOO long! I think that he was just stuck for a long time, partially because he was posterior, and partially because he got hung up in the amniotic sac. I am really lucky that he was so tiny, because if he had been full term I would have had to have a C-Section. So PHEW! Also after finding out that he was posterior, I think I probably do have some good labor genes. Although next time I think I might end up with a baby in the car, because I don't think I will go in as early in the hope that I won't have to be in the hospital for SO LONG!
Here are some photos, and I look awful. I know. But Labor is really hard, so I don't want to hear any judgements, okay? :)
Beautiful baby! Congratulations to you both and baby. :o) It is always fun to read other womens birth stories. I was started with Alexander and I swelled up from all of the fluid they pumped into me as well...so I understand your pain. Wasn't it the most amazing sensation to use the restroom for the first time after having the baby? Sweet relief of fluids!!
People had warned me that the other children would come faster than the first....boy, were they right! Alexander, 24 hours of labor. William a total of 4. Kept thinking it was false labor but barely made it to the hospital in time to deliver him. Natural child birth was awesome...I recovered a lot faster and did not throw up like I did with the first...but I think it was nice to have some medication with the first child to take the edge off, but still feel what is going on. Way to go- I am proud of you!
I really enjoyed reading your account with all the details. I can relate to the water retention and puffiness too. My pitocin had to be at the highest levels with nothing too the first for round. All other labors will be easier! Good job!!
lol your going to think i'm crazy but i cried while i was reading your labor story.. YOur labory story was almost IDENTICAL to mine isnt that crazy :) exept in the end i had to have an emergency c-section.. Heres praying that both of us go faster next time :) Congrats on such a cute baby boy :) !!!!
Congratulations, Amanda!! Good work! I was in labor at the hospital for 14 hours with Clyde and they almost sent me home with Alice and she was born two hours later. He's darling! We're very excited to have a whole other generation started.
Yippee! He is so cute Amanda. And gosh, I think you look so cute in the pictures (okay, I won't lie, the one that you have the mask on creeps me out a little...)! I can't wait to meet him. Congrats on a long and crazy labor. You are truly a rule breaker. The scary thing is, I don't think you will ever have another delivery like this, so you won't even know what to expect next time. Little Finn might be delivering for you. And I am pretty sure toddlers aren't very helpful, so good luck! Call me when you feel up to it!
Wow! You went through so much! But, look what you got out of it. Finn is absolutely adorable and I can not wait to see him. However, I don't want to see you at YW for at least a month. :) Seriously! Take care of Finn, yourself, and Jason. That's most important! I will see you before that because I want to bring you some yummy dinner and my Snuglie. :)
Thanks for the story, I really enjoyed it. Now you will always remember it because even with all the pain, you forget it fast! He is darling!
This is a good one. I haven't ever heard of someone at 7 cm feeling great. I haven't personally had a posterior baby, but I have heard it is so much longer and harder. You did great from the sound of it. I love you, and congratulations. P. S. I always thought I would wait longer next time to go to the hospital, but I always had false alarms. Every single time.
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