Sunday, April 19, 2009

Oh, the shame!

So it has been over a week since my last blog post. Oh- you say- did you just have a really boring week? Why, no! Actually it was a very full and busy week, so full in fact that I cannot remember what happened before Thursday, so let me start then...
Thursday was Heather's birthday!! (Happy Birthday, Heather!) I thought I would be all sneaky and pretend I didn't know her birthday was coming up and surprise her at home. Because OF COURSE she would be home when I dropped in unexpectedly, right? Like she might have other plans for her birthday! (scoffing) So, I drop by, and, lo and behold, no one is home. Uh-oh! So I called her Jason and asked if he happened to know where she was. I didn't have much hope because he was working, but I was proven wrong. (Yes, Jason, I said I was wrong!!) It turns out she was getting her hair cut! So, I got directions and headed off to the hairdressers. Now Heather had REALLY long hair, and she had 17.5 inches chopped off, and it's still just slightly longer than my hair. It is a super cute hair cut! Then we hung out for a while and when Jason (Heather's, not mine) got home from work we all (minus my Jason who was STILL at work) went to check out this new restaurant called Smoked Apple BBQ (or something REALLY close to that) and it was super delicious! They had a sweet cornbread that was like a coffeecake, with streusel and everything! It was a fun day!
Friday, Dan and Faith plus kids and Jason and I all had a barbecue at the lake. We were slightly delusional about the weather, but we had a good time anyway. We made shashlik (shah-shleek) which is a Russian type of pork shish-ka-bob. It is delicious, although to be fair, not as good as usual as I ruined it by not adding enough black pepper. It was still good, but not quite as tasty. It was super windy and we all lost a few plates. Then they came over for a bit and played a game. And you all know how I love to play games!
Saturday I made some tasty chocolate chip muffins, and today I made some tasty lemon blueberry muffins. Both from scratch- no mixes!! They are both very tasty. Seriously.


Hazel said...

From scratch muffins? We should live closer. The house next door is for sale..

Amanda said...

Are you offering to buy it for me? How kind of you!