Friday, March 27, 2009

I'm so excited!

So, if anyone has been watching my weight loss ticker, you will have noticed that I have been stuck at 19.6 lbs lost for quite some time now. Seriously- like a month. It was a roller coaster. Honestly, I gained some weight back, but didn't want to ticker that. Nobody needs to know that embarrassing-ness. So, I gained some weight, lost some weight, gained some weight, lost some weight and kept going right back to 19.6 lbs! It was so frustrating! But, this morning when I weighed myself, I was down two pounds! YES!!! I am beyond excited! Once I start losing it goes pretty well, but those plateaus are really hard. So, I am prepared to kick it up a notch now that I can see some results! I was planning to go walk to like 5 grocery stores today looking for rhubarb, but it's a little late now. Some of them were really far away, and I want to be back by six, since Jason should be getting home. Maybe next week...


Katie said...

So proud of you! What did you need rhubarb so bad for?

Always a roller coaster. I do so good sometimes and then in a moment of weakness eat an entire bag of candy. Always feel so sick afterwards, but I still do it.

I am a mother! said...

Yay Amanda! Good job!! I never ticker my weight gains either. ;-)

mindy said...

That's awesome!! I've been doing this insulin resistant diet that teaches you how to balance what you eat and I have lost 13 lbs. You should try it.

pandagoldfish said...

That's great! I'm glad that you're sticking with it. Adam sometimes has a hard time when faced with food he loves, especially cheese.