Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Creation

So, I have finally succumbed to peer pressure. Can you believe it? I am somewhat ashamed, myself. Here I am, creating a blog. And I don't really have anything to say. So, it will probably be a random collaboration of odd stories and facts until something interesting happens. Here is the rundown of my basic life.
Major players: Amanda Klimek (aka Myself) and my husband Jason Klimek. Jason's primary occupation: fish-slayer. Secondary occupation: his job as a Paleo-Surveyor. As for me, I spend most of my time beading, cooking, and reading. And all the other duties of a housewife. Ironically enough, though life doesn't sound exciting on paper, we have quite a few odd things happen to us, so no doubt you will be amused at least some of the time. We shall see, I suppose!


Emily said...

Hey! Congratulations on your first blog. You knew you would have to start a blog eventually. I like how Jason is a fish slayer first and foremost. Anyhow, love the background. Believe me, I will be stalking your blog, so you better keep it updated!

I am a mother! said...

Yay Amanda! Check you are a pro already with you super cute background! I sent you an invite to our blog so you can be an EXCLUSIVE member. ;-)

Unknown said...

Hey Amanda! This is Stacey (of S'lake... hehe) I'm excited you have a blog, I'm a big weblog junkie! Sorry that I did not get to come up for Thanksgiving, I had to work! =( I hope you had a good one though, and hopefully next time around I will be able to come (and not be working a crummy part time job)!

Hazel said...

Kara has my beads at her house. She is being such a bead hog. I dream about them...I know you do too so don't act like I am crazy.