So, Jason's iPod Nano broke last week. We bought the coverage for it, so we took it into Best Buy to see if they would fix it. They just gave us the full amount we paid in credit to purchase something else. We wanted to replace Jason's iPod, since he uses it so much at work. However, he doesn't like the style of the new Nanos. They are too long, and the corners are really sharp. Pluse we have heard stories of people snapping them in half and stuff. So he debates and debates, and decides to just take my Nano (which is Bright Pink, I might add) and let me have the gift card. Which is okay with me, because, honestly, I don't use my iPod much. I have had it almost a year, and I think I have used it four times. The only reason I have one is because Jason forgot his while we were on vacation, so he bought one "for me." And then used it.
Anyway- After some debate, I decided to get a new iPod Touch, 16GB. I was really torn up about it, since really the only reason I want one is because they are nifty, and all. But, I did it. And I absolutely LOVE it!!! Okay- so I have only had it for like 2 hours. But, it is the coolest thing EVER!! Here is what makes it so cool. The applications, and the WIFI capabilities. And, alot of the apps are free, which is even better. Here are the ones I have gotten so far (and they are all AWESOME! and free!):
The Daily Plate: for those of you who must never read my blog, this is the website I use to track my calories. And now I can have it with me forever and ever, so I can track my calories anywhere! Yay!
Falling Balls: This is a puzzle-like game where you are running to avoid falling balls by tilting the iPod back and forth. Like a Wii game. Dinner Spinner: You put in what course, what main ingredient, and how much time you have and it find recipes for you! You never have to wonder what to make again! And there are tons of options, and it's got ratings and everything!
Facebook: Facebook for the iPod. It's great.
UrbanSpoon: This has lists and lists of restaurants with ratings, maps, and some menus. It gets your location, or you can choose it, you can choose a type of food and dollar amount (or not) and it will give you a restaurant. This is the hardest decision for us, so I am way excited about it!
WordWarp: This is identical to TextTwist
MoodPhone: This one cracks me up! You shake your iPod and it tells you your mood (much like a mood ring.) There are themes, like regular, relationships, psychosis/drugs, cowboy, pet, naughty etc that you can do. It's tons of fun.
Trace: A game where you try to get a guy to a goal, and you have to draw things to help him. Pretty fun.
Movies: Shows you showtimes, reviews, top box office, what comes out soon (including on DVD) and that kind of thing.
Tap Tap Revolution: Guitar Hero for the iPod (Katie- you know you want one!)
Expando: You make expanding balls to fill up most of the screen without getting hit by little balls flying around.
Shakespeare: The complete works of William Shakespeare on my iPod!! Now I can read whenever I want!!
Doesn't it just sound amazing? I am so excited. It was the best money I have ever spent. At least so far!
Also, here are some cute photos of me and my haircut. I had actually straightened it, so you can see more what it looks like.
Oh- and it has a planner. It just doesn't get any better!
Not you too! I am so jealous. I am getting one for my birthday and that is it! And might I add, holy guacamole! You are melting away. How much weight have you lost? And the haircut? I absolutely love it! Love it! I am going to try an recreate it for myself.
Oh, almost forgot. I talked to my connection and here you go...
(Marilyn Robertson)
Cho: Don't you cry, baby. Daddy'll be home soon
He's out on the road lookin' for a toad or
Part of a fresh raccoon
He'll make you a possum sandwich or maybe a rabbit snack
So don't you worry, baby, Daddy'll be right back
Now times are rough and you can't get enough,
Sometimes you're full of fear
Money and love and even stars above
Are gettin' dimmer every year.
But when it comes to eatin'
You'll always be in clover
Just head out for the highway.
And see what's been run over.
Now we never have to worry
Coz there's always a fresh supply
Of wild deer and frog and family dog
All running out on the highway to die,
No need to let them lie there,
Ground in by the wheels --
You can have a fur wrap and a feather cap
And a couple of good hot meals.
So let's all hear it for Detroit
Keep rolling out them cars.
We'll stock our shelves with moose and elk
And Siamese cat preserved in jars,
Pickled porcupine peppers,
Smoked chihuahua meat --
The more we build those highways,
The more we'll have to eat.
Hopefully you can find the tune, but if you don't, i will sing it for you. Won't be happy about it, but I will do it anyway
i meant bubblewrap
Glad you like your ipod! You hair looks great straight!
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