Thursday, February 19, 2009

Coolest Website EVER!!!

OH MY GOSH!! I just discovered the coolest website EVER!!! Okay, at least for me it is! As you all know, I have been trying to count my calories. But, it's hard when you're cooking because it's all guesstimation. Unless you want to take the time to count everything out and measure it, which I don't. But- NO LONGER! Now- you don't ever have to do it again, thanks to
You enter in your recipe and servings, and immediately, you get Nutritional Information! And not just calories! We are talking fat, fiber, sugars, protein, and significant vitamins. I mean- AMAZING! Right? It is so cool! I can't wait to start using it! I tried it for a trial recipe, and it was so quick! And incredible! And it even gives your dish a grade based on the health aspect. I know- maybe I am a little over-excited here. But I thought I would share it, as it's the coolest website I have found in a LONG time!
Again, it's


Hazel said...

You are doing so good. I am so proud of you. And I am going to check out the website for meals for my kids. I don't think they are getting super healthy meals.

I am a mother! said...

Thanks Amanda! I'm gonna have to go check out that website.

mindy said...

I'm glad you came across this website. I'm going to try it out.