Monday, January 26, 2009

The Acostas

As a HUGE favor, the Acostas came over yesterday to help with our flooded room. They lent us an oscillating space heater that is working wonders for the floor. And of course, they decided to stay and hang out for a bit, and -surprise, surprise- I fed them. It's a compulsion. The first thing the Jasons do, any time they get together is pull out guns. This time they did some mystery thing and reloaded some ammo.
Jack had a lot of fun. We played on the piano quite a bit, and I took a really cute video, but decided not to upload it, as he is not actually my child... so here's a photo instead.
Then, while I was cooking, the Jasons were reloading, so I decided to let Jack help me. Here he is, cooking like the little chef I am sure he will grow up to be, if genes count for anything. (Don't worry, the stove was not actually on. Well, his side, anyways.) He also washed his hands every time I did, ate plenty of veggies, and cut when I did. (With a butter knife.) It was gosh-darn cute! Also, not cute, as I look awful, but eh! And somehow he figured out the pepper grinder. I am sure they will be finding pepper in his clothes for weeks.
Then, Heather came over after work, and we ate us some artichoke chicken. I love how she stuck her finger up her nose.
We are so lucky to have such great friends that do us crazy favors.


Hazel said...

Did they bring you more towels? They look like a good time. I am just wondering how to have a good time without guitar hero.

I am a mother! said...

I love how you let Jack help you cook. You are going to be the best mom!

Emily said...

Umm, whatever about you not looking cute. You look so good! How much weight have you lost now? You sure are going to be a great mom. I let my kids help, but only because I know they like it. It honestly stresses me out something fierce. Oh, and the word verification I have to put in is vultur. Kind of like vulturi, right?