Monday, January 5, 2009

Some weird products....

There are some pretty strange products out there. Here are some I have experienced lately...

This is some sort of fishing camera. Don't ask me for what. FISHTV I guess.
I guess the camera is shaped like a fish so it won't scare the fish? Who knows...

These are some cookies from Japan. Wait a minute... what does that say?
Translated: White Chocolate and CAT TONGUE!?!?!
Here are the opened cookies. I forgot to take a photo of the actual cookies. They were really good. I guess Cat Tongue is a type of biscuit-y cookie or something. They were really good. Thanks for sharing, Heather and Jason!


Hazel said...

I am surprised you actually put one of those "things" to your lips. How did you know there was no cat tongue?

Big Papi said...

I guess the possibility of actual cat tongue doesn't stop the Klimeks.